Tuesday, 14 February 2017

When Should You Be Silent?

What is the worth of silence?

Perhaps, many might find the scope of this question a little too overstretched for idle thought or aimless conjecture.

If it is okay to ascribe the worth of an event as a direct measure of the quality and consequence of its outcome(s), then it's safe to say that the worth of any exercise in silence is the very result apparently obtained thereby.

All through recorded history, many brilliant minds have striven to demystify in the mind of man, the very measure of strength that silence affords. But all they could ever lisp only served up a glimpse of the profound, subliminal emancipation bequeathed to those, who have the aptitude to exercise their mind and expose it to the glare of Wisdom.

Indeed, the literary world is replete with many quotes which make an effort to inundate mankind with the unabated futility of words betimes. And I took the liberty to pick out a few which better reflect the thrust of this message:

"Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom"...Francis Bacon

"Under all speech that is good for anything, there lies a silence that is better. Silence is deep as eternity, speech is shallow as time"...
Thomas Carlyle

"God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer"...Mother Theresa

"Great souls suffer in silence"... Friedrich Schiller

"Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute"...Josh Billings

One incontestible attribute is clearly seen in all these quotes. Wisdom! It reverberates seamlessly through these quotes, not in a stentorian manner, but, in a rather elusive and silent way.

Now these are all the various perspectives of men of different ages and civilizations on silence. If men seem to have found common ground on the virtue of silence, what does the Almighty God, the one true source of Divine Wisdom have to say about silence? These few bible references have a thing or two to say about this:

WHEN TO BE SILENT . . . And the  Bible says.

1.  Be silent In the heat of
     anger - (Prov 14:17)

2.  Be silent When you don't
     have all the facts - (Prov

3.  Be silent When you
     haven't verified the story -
     (Deut 17:6)

4.  Be silent If your words
     will offend a weaker
     person - (1 Cor 8:11)

5.  Be silent When it is time
     to listen - (Prov 13:1)

6.  Be silent When you are
     tempted to make light of
     holy things - (Eccl 5:2)

7.  Be silent When you are
     tempted to joke about
     sin - (Prov 14:9)

8.  Be silent If you would be
     ashamed of your words
     later - (Prov 8:8)

9.  Be silent If your words
     would convey the wrong
     impression - (Prov 17:27)

10. Be silent If the issue is
      none of your business -
      (Prov 14:10)

11. Be silent When you are
      tempted to tell an
      outright lie - (Prov 4:24)

12. Be silent If your words
      will damage someone
      else's reputation - (Pro

13. Be silent If your words
      will damage a friendship
      - (Prov 16:28)

14. Be silent When you are
      feeling critical - (James

15. Be silent If you can't say
       it without screaming it -
      (Prov 25:28)

16. Be silent If your words
      will be a poor reflection
      of the Lord or your
      friends and family - (1 Pt

17. Be silent If you may  
       have to eat your words
       later - (Prov 18:21)

18. Be silent If you have
       already said it more
       than one time  - (Prov

19. Be silent When you are
      tempted to flatter a
      wicked person - (Prov

20. Be silent When you are
      supposed to be working
      instead  - (Prov 14:23)



P.S. Biblical references: Anon.